A single question put to the public cannot reveal the majority position of the polity on such issues, because there are at least two different majority coalitions: One forms around the position ...
We sometimes think of politicalissues in binary terms. Is someone pro-life or pro-choice? But most individuals hold views that are more complicated than a binary can capture.
Sep 9, 2024Most voters name several issuesas very important to their vote. Economy is the top issue. Other important issues: health care, Supreme Court, foreign policy, crime, immigration, guns, abortion.
On nearly everyissue - including the economy, role of government, voting and elections, race and immigration policy - there are differences in opinions among the nine groups in the political typology. While most differences break down along partisan lines, the typology also reveals several issues where there are notable cleavages within the partisan coalitions, not simply between them ...
Jan 14, 2025This leads to the same high-stakes contest every two years between the same two parties, resulting either in domination by one or in divided and paralyzed government by both.
Sep 19, 2023Americans view negative statements as better descriptions of the political system than positive ones More than eight-in-ten adults say that each of the following is at least a somewhat good description of the U.S. political system today: Republicans and Democrats are more focused on fighting each other than on solving problems (86%);
Oct 30, 2024A simple question of whether to increase the minimum wage has suddenly become a much thornier political problem, as Massachusetts progressives find themselves up against the state's Democratic ...
May 3, 2023In most years, slightly less than half of all Americans had consistently liberal or conservative views on policies related to the economy, morality and race, and thus fall into one of two groups.
Apr 17, 2024How Joe Biden and Donald Trump differ on the issues, like abortion, foreign policy, immigration, taxes, health care and more in the 2024 presidential election.